Deutschland Stipendium National Scholarship Programme in Germany 2022

What is Deutschland Stipendium Programme? 

The Deutschland Stipendium National Scholarship Programme is a joint effort taken by the German government for the welfare of the students. They provide financial support to enthusiastic and high-scoring intelligent students at an international level.

This programme began during the summer of 2011 when Deutschland Stipendium helped the first-year students who performed outstandingly with academic and professional achievements.

Stipend Breakdown 

The businesses, partnerships between public and private, foundations, organisations, and private sponsors award talented students 150 euros per month to help them meet their expenses.

The Federal Government of Germany awards students another 150 euros per month. So, overall, it comes to 300 euros per month for a talented student.

Some private sponsors and universities support Deutschland Stipendium holders by providing suitable mentoring programs, internships, and event networking. 

Who can avail of this Stipendium? 

The Deutschland Stipendium assists high-quality students from all participating German universities. This scholarship does not limit or restrict the stipend based on the parent’s income or the student’s nationality.

This is a huge bonus for international students as they can avail of this Stipendium if they perform well in their study in Germany. No social insurance contributions are payable. 

Where to Apply? 

German universities award the Deutschland Stipendium to students. The candidates who seek this Stipendium should meet the eligibility requirements of that particular institution or university.

Apart from academic excellence, the student’s achievements and social commitment also play an important role. Another factor is how the student overcame all challenges and obstacles in their family background and society. 

How long is the validity of the scholarship? 

Deutschland Stipendium usually funds for two semesters. They can also provide it during the entire course of study at the university.

The university will keep a note of the candidate’s overall performance at the intervals of the two semesters to know if they are still eligible to meet the scholarship criteria and if private funding will still be available. 

Deutschland Stipendium National Scholarship - KCR CONSULTANTS

Why is Germany providing Deutschland Stipendium to students? 

We can break the answer to this question into three major points.

  1. Germany requires highly skilled people

Since Germany requires skilled people, the federal government and private sponsors support the managing directors of tomorrow. The reason for Germany’s prosperity, economic development, and innovative strength is the practically trained specialists in Germany.

Their knowledge, skill, and creative ideas put Germany at the forefront of global competition. Since the competition is rising daily, more knowledgeable people are increasingly needed to match the competition of world standards. 

  1. Young graduates – best resource

Many people have achieved great things in family, education, and society at a very young age. So, the Deutschland Stipendium promotes these enthusiastic young students to reach their destination and pursue Free Education in Germany.

People will begin to depend on these people for their skills and expertise in the industry. So, they must be encouraged and supported through scholarships and other helpful academic programs. 

  1. A new scholarship culture

The Deutschland Stipendium has gained much attraction, so the federal government is expanding their funding program by beginning a new scholarship culture in Germany.

The federal government joined hands with private sponsors (organisations, foundations, companies, private individuals, and associations) to support hardworking students.

Civil society has taken up responsibility for emerging young talents and making a big contribution to Germany’s future development.  

Note: Students who have an immigration background will receive above-average support of 28% (the usual percentage for students is 20%) 

Added benefits for students 

Recently, many universities, institutions, and private sponsors have come up with non-financial support in connection with the Deutschland Stipendium. 

They provide internships, event networking, and mentoring programmes, which help the Stipendium holders to gain valuable business contacts and insightful work life. 

If you want to know more about scholarships in Germany and how to study in Germany for free, contact KCR CONSULTANTS. 

KCR CONSULTANTS will assist you and help you reach your destiny.

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