Excellent opportunities to study in public universities in Germany for international students free!
Not just local and European Union students but also Public universities in Germany for international students free is fantastic! Many other countries offer some courses for free or have a few universities for some students to study for free, based on many criteria, including the student’s economic background and their families. But Germany has around 300 universities publicly funded to provide bachelor’s, master’s, and PhD level courses for free.
Are the public universities in Germany for international students free in terms of total tuition fees?
Germany has around 350 public universities funded by the state, churches and other non-government organisations! It all started in the 50+ universities in the southwest state of Baden-Württemberg, bordering France and Switzerland. Over time, Baden-Wurttemberg state decided to charge a minimum tuition fee of;1500 per semester.
Still, one can study for free in almost 300 public universities in Germany!
Students in Germany, mainly international, must pay 150-300 EUR semester contribution to the university student union. In return, students receive a semester ticket that allows them to access free travel in all the public transportation in the city/state! In addition, free entry to the state museums and libraries makes it not pay anything extra to the university, instead getting more from the student union!
So yes, international students study for free in public universities in Germany!
Does that mean the public universities in Germany for international students free, and that applies even in terms of living?
Studying in public universities in Germany for international students free is correct regarding the tuition fees and only applies to tuition fees.
That is evident in asking for a confirmation of a blocked account with a minimum current balance or deposit of 11208.EUR from every international applicant intending to study in Germany while applying for a visa.
Even though international students can work while on any study programme, including a language course, that too 120 full days or 240 half days in a year, the consulates and visa offices of the federal republic of Germany ask for the blocked account confirmation, mandatorily.
That makes clear to the applicants German Government wants those intending t study in Germany and that they wish to first-year stay so their learning experience is smooth. The whole intention is to help you concentrate on your studies then you desperately look for a part-time job from the first month onwards to support your stay in Germany!
Public universities in Germany for international students free is factual and for good, but with responsibility. The German Government doesn’t want you to get exploited in the name of free education and part-time job rights but make use of it, build your solid base in education, and achieve your goal by getting qualified in Germany.
How are the public universities in Germany for international students free when the German consulate asks for a block account for at least 11208?EUR?
It’s a blocked account, but it doesn’t mean it stopped forever or until you return to your home country. Instead, it is your money, and you only can activate it after arriving in Germany.
Once activated, you can withdraw a maximum of 1/12th of the monthly amount for your living expenses.
If you are not drawing the entire permitted amount(934.EUR) or leaving it as it is for some months or the whole year, the bank will, after 12 months of your arrival, this account, and you can withdraw the entire money even at a time if you want!
Therefore, free studying in public universities in Germany for international students is a fact!