Ausbildung Specialist for Port Logistics in Germany

Do you want to work in a port?

Take an apprenticeship program (Ausbildung) as a specialist for port logistics!

Did you know that inland ports are ‌on lakes, canals, and rivers?

Specialist in port logistics training under Ausbildung in Germany

Your three-year dual Ausbildung training is between a company and a vocational school.

Training organisations are ports.

You can work in port management on ships or at quay transhipment locations.

If you are not present, you are likely conducting the business-related portion of your work in the office.

You know if the merchandise requires cool storage and movement of the goods in a truck, barge, or rail.

Ausbildung Vocational Training in Germany.-KCR CONSULTANTS

Did you know ships are drained on a dock to do maintenance on the underwater hull?

You ensure that things are stored if they arrive and do not need to be moved farther.

Depending on the package style, they may need to be stacked, set down, or positioned on very high shelves.

To become a port logistics professional, you must keep meat and fruit cool as part of your training. 

Did you know a wharf is a seawall surrounded by walls? 

Requirements for a port logistics specialist under Ausbildung in Germany

  • Your passion is planning and organisation.
  • You have excellent hand-eye coordination.
  • You have quick reflexes. 

Career prospects for a specialist in port logistics under Ausbildung in Germany

  • The preparatory courses for the further training test have full-time and part-time. After that, you’ll start working in middle or upper management. You arrange a plan and complete commercial work.
  • You need six to nine months of full-time or one to two years of part-time study to prepare for the master’s test.
  • You could work in business management, planning, or organisation.
  • Working as a technical buyer might lead to independence.

Kindly talk to KCR CONSULTANTS, who will explain the Ausbildung in Germany program.

Become a good pirate of the ships where you take complete control of logistics with your skills!

All industries, sectors and businesses offer Ausbildung in Germany.You may choose the most suitable occupation from the All Occupation List.

Ausbildung in Germany Occupations and Industries

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