PG in Germany after MBBS

PG in Germany after MBBS for foreign-educated doctors!

PG in Germany after MBBS is a smooth transition once you are ready and prepared. Here, you can choose any specialization: general medicine or surgery. Finding a placement in a German hospital for your field of specialization is not difficult if you are found suitable and eligible!


Why PG in Germany, what happens after MBBS in a country like India?

Approximately 1,74,886 doctors have registered for the NEET examination in India in 2021 for PG after MBBS! 

The number game again is as follows;

The total number of places available for MD: 24,360

The total number of seats available for MS: 12,690

The number of places available for the PG Diploma: 922 

The number of places available for the DNB CET: 1338 

Since this is the situation, many cannot make it in India. Those who fail and are disappointed have to wind up the plan or consider a foreign country. With the foreign countries, PG after MBBS in Germany is worth it by all means.


Study PG in Germany


What is PG in Germany after MBBS?

PG in Germany after MBBS is beneficial to the foreign-educated medical doctor in many ways. While one works under a mentor towards becoming a specialist in their desired field of medicine, they also earn well in Germany-approximately 5000.EUR/month for the entire duration of the programme. Once a specialist in Germany makes one globally qualified and respected worldwide for their professional expertise. 

All know that studying in Germany is free in public universities and institutions.  Free education in Germany also applies to PG Medicine in Germany. The participant doesn’t need to pay any tuition fees to the hospital to attend a PG Course in Germany after MBBS.

How PG in Germany, for medical graduates, After MBBS in India?

Maybe 1/5th of the total aspirants may make it to a PG programme in the Indian teaching hospitals after MBBS! That too, after a  life and death kind of competition in the Government hospitals; considering those with high marks, quota systems, and the small number of state and central Government teaching hospitals available to apply. 

PG in Germany after MBBS in India is easy and smooth, like a flawless progression towards becoming an expert in your specialised area of medicine. 

MD in Germany or PG in Germany after MBBS

You can work in a hospital for a couple of years to qualify for medical PG in Germany after MBBS in Germany. A chance to work under a provisional license much before starting your specialisation programme. 

Being in a hospital setting under the supervision of licensed and experienced doctors, you will have better exposure and understanding of the German hospital settings. You will experience the German medical practice, the ultra-modern medical equipment used in German hospitals, the hospital procedures, how to communicate with patients in Germany, etc.

After all, the state licensing examination is all about checking your knowledge, practical and theoretical, to practice medicine in a German hospital!

MD in Germany for International Students – PG in Germany after MBBS from anywhere in the world.

Whether a specialisation in general medicine or surgery, called MD or MS, back in your home country, you should pass the state licensing examination in Germany. 

Germany is one of the most systematic countries in the world. Anything in Germany is tested and proved. That applies to PG medical studies for international medical graduates.

Those who pass the German state licensing examination has two options to choose from; 

Continue practising as a physician in Germany, as after the license, one qualifies to practice Medicine in Germany independently. 

Choose the field of specialisation of your interest, whether in medicine or surgery, based on your previous qualification and plans. PG in Germany after MBBS is a wise choice to choose  irrespective of where you trained or from.

PG Medicine in Germany - KCR CONSULTAMNTS.


MD in Germany for Indian Students – PG in Germany after MBBS in your home country, India.

Indians are very cosy, and they like to have everything planned, whether they practically follow it later as planned or not. 

Based on this point, choosing a pathway programme that starts with assessing your professional qualifications in Germany even while in your home country makes more sense!

The positive result of the German state office’s assessment conveyed through the letter ensures that you are qualified to go ahead with the plan of pursuing PG in Germany after MBBS. This assessment report helps you even while applying for a visa to  and fulfil your dream of becoming a medical specialist in Germany.

So what’s the best-suggested programme for MD or MS in Germany?

The German specialisation programme that we are referring to is practically the best. The preparatory programme has a German Language course (or) Learn German programme. 

You will start with the German language programme and progress to higher-level skills and proficiency. Once you achieve B2 status in the German language, you will enrol in a short duration preparatory programme of German Medical Terminology as per the package.

Foreign educated MBBS graduates need to sit the Medical German Terminology test at the medical council and pass to qualify for a  “provisional License” to prepare for the state licensing examination.

The preparatory programme is known as FSP among international medical graduates in Germany, and passing this test  leads to a provisional license to work in a German hospital for one or two years before sitting the medical licensing examination in Germany.

Study in Germany for free applies to this preparatory programme as well. There is a state grant available for international students to cover the cost of their German language learning plus the FSP test preparatory programme.

PG in Germany after MBBS in Germany

The best-advised option for a high school leaver who aspires to become a world-class medical specialist, MD/MS in future. 

Think only about Germany for your primary degree-level education in medicine. You call it MBBS, a medical doctor(MD) graduate, or a Physician. 

Choose to study medicine in a German university. Sit the state examinations and pass for a medical license. Start practising as a physician/medical doctor or go ahead with your specialisation in your desired field of medicine or surgery to become a specialist as you dreamt for long. 

Here, your 7-8-10 year studies don’t cost anything as you do not need to pay any tuition fees while you attend the course or programme in a public university and German teaching hospital. 

Suppose you are very particular about studying in English and in that case, there is an option, but it is a paid course! You may choose this option if you can spend at least 25,000.EUR per year for six years of your medical studies tuition fees alone, in a Germany based foreign university

Through this choice, you can also progress to the medical specialisation in a German teaching hospital, PG in Germany after MBBS,  which is entirely free of cost and the same as above. 

I hope you got a better understanding of the whole thing by now! Why delay then? 

Please get in touch with someone at KCR CONSULTANTS to start processing to pursue PG medicine in Germany after MBBS or even in case of any queries.

PG in germany after mbbs

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2 thoughts on “PG in Germany after MBBS”

    1. Hi,
      Pursuing a P.G. Degree course at a public university is an attraction in Germany, where international students worldwide have a unique opportunity to study free – no tuition fees charged.
      At least 50% of marks obtained in a relevant bachelor’s degree is the minimum requirement.
      Learn the German language, achieve the required level to follow a university degree programme in Germany, integrate into the German culture, especially the business and industry culture, and apply for a job if you wish to work in Germany. 
      Germany has a specific immigration law; under that, after working for two years in Germany, one can apply for a permanent residence permit if interested. 

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