List of Public Studienkolleg in Germany

List of Public Studienkolleg in Germany

This page is to know the list of public studienkolleg in Germany that supports international students in Germany and prepares them to progress to universities.

is an important institution for international high school leavers in Germany hoping to pursue a degree in a German public university.

A Foundation course helps an international student meet Germany’s Abitur- university entry qualification for a bachelor’s degree programme at German universities. 

You will find the complete list of public studienkolleg in Germany below.

While most German public universities offer free-of-cost degree courses to international students, state-funded studienkollegs accept them for free-of-cost Foundation courses.  

Thus the entire 4 to 4.5-year studies become free of cost to those eligible international students in Germany.

Most German states have a state-funded studienkolleg.

Public Studienkolleg in Germany listThe list of public studienkolleg;

Bayern, Freistaat Bayern, or the free state of Bayern, is the largest federal state of Germany geographically. Bayern borders Austria, the Czech Republic, and Switzerland. 

  • Studienkolleg bei den Universitäten des Freistaates Bayern (in München) is in München city and offers M,T,W, and G Foundation courses are state approved and universities and university of applied sciences across in Germany accept the qualifucation.
  • Studienkolleg bei den Fachhochschulen des Freistaates Bayern (in Coburg) is in the city of Coburg and offers TI, and WW courses and the FSP passed certificate is accredited by Faschochule (FH) and accapted by the university of applied sciences all over Germany

Berlin is Germany’s capital, the largest city by population and area, and the European Union’s most populous city. The State of Brandenburg surrounds Berlin mostly. 

  • Studienkolleg, an der TU Berlin, is located in Berlin and offers T, TI, WW, and W courses. The state-run studienkolleg is approved by Universities making the graduates study in universities across Germany.
  • Studienkolleg, an der FU Berlin, is in Berlin belongs to the Federal state of Berlin. The studienkolleg offers T, M, W, G, and S. All the universities in Germany accept the Foundation course passed certificate. 

Bramborska, the northeast state of Germany bordering Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, Lower Saxony, Saxony-Anhalt, and Saxony, and internationally Poland. The German Federal State of Brandenberg’s list of public studienkolleg is given below.

  • Studienkolleg Hamburg is in Hamburg and offerers universities approved specials courses; M, T, W, and G.

Hesse or Hessia, officially the state of Hessen, is a central German state. Frankfurt am Main is the state’s largest city and Germany’s financial centre. The list of public universities in Germany has HESSEN has four Studiekollegs.

  • Studienkolleg an der Goethe-Universität is in Frankfurt am Main and offers state-approved M, T, W, and G Foundation courses approved by the universities of applied sciences and universities.
  • Studienkolleg an der TU-Darmstadt in Darmstadt is a state-approved studienkolleg offers University of applied sciences and universities accepted Foundation courses. One can attend a T or G Foundation course or DSH test preparatory classes.
  • Studienkolleg an der Universität in Kessels  offers state-approved T and W courses accepted by universities and Faschochule (FH).
  •  Studienkolleg Mittelhessen der Universität Marburg, Marburg offers M,T,W and G Fundation courses accredited by universities and university of Applied Sciences.

MecklenburgVorpommern, also called by its anglicized name MecklenburgWestern Pomerania, is a northeast state of Germany.

Mecklenburg-Vorpommer state has only one state-funded institution in this regard. 

  • Studienkolleg an der Hochschule Wismar in Wismar city, offers Faschochule (FH) approved TI, W, and WW courses.

Niedersachsen, known as Lower Saxony in English, is Germany’s second-largest state in the northwestern part of Germany. 

  • The state-funded institution Studienkolleg an der Universität Hannover in Hannover offers state-approved and universities accredited G, M, T, and W Foundation courses.

The Best Studienkolleg in Germany - KCR CONSULTANTSNordrhein-Westfalen, known as North Rhine-Westphalia, is a western German state and the most populated in the country.

  • Studienkolleg des Ökumenischen Studienwerks e.V., situated in Bochum offer state approved T course in Foundation.
  • Studienkolleg Mettingen, located Mettingen offers state accepted T, W, G, and M Foundation courses.

Rheinland-Pfalz, known as  Rhineland-Palatinate located in southwest Germany. The state borders Belgium, France and Luxembourg.

  • Studienkolleg der Johannes-Gutenberg-Universität is in Mainz. This state-run institution offers universities accredited and accepted M, T, W, G, and S Foundation courses.
  • Internationales Studienkolleg der Hochschule Kaiserslautern, in Kaiserslautern has state offers the universities and universities of Applied Sciences accredited and accepted TI/T, and WW/W courses.

Sachsen is a state in eastern Germany. Known as Saxony, it borders Poland to the east and the Czech Republic to the south. 

  • TUDIAS-Studienkolleg TU Dresden offers state-approved M, T, and W courses.
  • Studienkolleg Glauchau, Glauchau, state accepted 

Foundation courses in T, TI, W, WW, and DSH test preparatory courses.

  • Universität Leipzig Studienkolleg Sachsen, Leipzig offers universities accredited courses of M, T, W, G, and S Foundation courses.
  • Hochschule Zittau/Görlitz Studienkolleg, based in Zittau is a state studienkolleg offering Faschochule (FH) approved TI, and WW courses.

 Sachsen-Anhalt or Saxony-Anhalt state borders with Brandenburg, Saxony, Thuringia and Lower Saxony. The capital city, Magdeburg, hosts the Gothic cathedral, the burial place of the Holy Roman Emperor Otto I.

  • Studienkolleg an der Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg, Halle, has state and universities approved Foundation courses in M, T, W, G, S, and also DSH test preperation courses.
  • Landesstudienkolleg Sachsen-Anhalt an der Hochschule Anhalt, Köthen/Dessau, offers University and Faschochule (FH) approved Foundation courses of T, W, G, and DSH test preparatory programmes.

Schleswig-Holstein, the northernmost state of Germany, has Kiel as its capital city. Lübeck and Flensburg are the other popular cities in this state. 

  • Studienkolleg an der FH Kiel in Kiel offers Faschochule (FH) approved TI, SW, and WW Foundation courses.

Thüringen, officially the Free State of Thuringia, is located in central Germany, and Erfurt is the state capital. 

  • Staatliches Studienkolleg, Nordhausen, offers state funded Foundation courses of M,T,W,GSW and are accredited by the universities and Faschochule (FH).

Baden-Wurttemberg state is a southwest state of Germany bordering Switzerland and France. It was the first state in Germany to open free-of-cost post-secondary education to international students in Germany and also the first one to re-introduce tuition fees. Stuttgart, the capital city, is home to Porsche and Mercedes-Benz headquarters and museums. 

  • Studienkolleg an der Universität based in Heidelberg offers University accredited M, T, W, G, and S Foundations course.
  • Studienkolleg des KIT (Karlsruher Institut für Technologie) is located at Karlsruhe offering Universities accepted T course Foundation.
  • Studienkolleg an der HTWG Konstanz is at Konstanz and offers Faschochule (FH) approved T, and W Foundations course.

KCR CONSULTANTS for best studienkolleg in Germany.

Studienkolleg Universities in Germany - KCR CONSULTANTS

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16 thoughts on “List of Public Studienkolleg in Germany”

  1. Hello, i am a very unique mature prospective student, i am planning to go to med school in germany in 2 or so years however i have graduated high school 10 years ago with subjects that are not related to medicine and was wondering if i can attend Studienkolleg to get my German on required level as well as having to avoid self studying for a whole new set of A-levels at age of 30 whilist working full time job.
    I understand above is confusing so please feel free to reach out to me for clarifications

  2. Is the Studienkolleg located at the university?
    Or does the studienkolleg cooperate with the university just for registration?

    1. Hi, some Studienkolleg/s belong to the universities, approved by the universities and private Studienkolleg/s. You can choose it according to your overall background and requirements.

  3. Is it possible to study in Germany without going through studienkolleg? And can we join studienkolleg by only giving an English certificate such as GAC? (Global Assessment Certificate).

    1. Hi, if you have completed your high school studies under a national curriculum, you must attend a Studienkolleg to eventually qualify for a degree program in Germany.

      Most Studienkollgs are in German and therefore German language. Level of B1/B2 is mandatorily required to attend a Studienkolleg. For a few English-taught degree courses, such as B.E. in Mechatronics/Robotics/Logistics/Business and Engineering, a preparatory program/Studienkolleg is offered in English for which German language skills are not required.

    1. Hello Nagesh,

      Studienkolleg Glauchau is on the list of public Studienkolleg in Germany. Generally, no tuition fee is charged. Still, it’s decided while accepting your application, considering your overall qualifications, eligibility, and readiness. It’s highly advised to contact the Studienkolleg and let them know your current and previous qualifications.

  4. Can I study English taught program after completing public studientkolleg?
    And second can I get admission after A2 level?

  5. Hi, For getting admission in studienkolleg, do i have to give an entrance exam and if Yes, is it necessary to attend it on site like is there any option of attending test online. Because once i get my admission letter thats how i will aplly for a visa

    1. Dear Ahmed,

      You must attend the Studienkolleg entrance exam in person without any difference between private and public Studienkolleg. But to apply for a visa, you don’t need to take the test. You require conditional admission for a bachelor’s degree and another letter of offer for language learning, which leads to a Foundation year program.

      If you need any assistance, please email us at [email protected] or call us at +91 9840 947417 via WhatsApp.

  6. hey can you pls tell me about public studienkolleg that provide english taught programs and what will be their requirements

    1. Hi, there are no public funded Studienkollegs offering English-Taught Foundation programs in Germany. The English taught preparatory programs are offered at privately run preparatory schools or Studienkollegs and that programs are specifically for an individual university and courses!

      For example; there is an English-Taught T Course offered at a private preparatory school which is recognised by a public university for pursuing 4-5 Engineering programs such as in Applied Mathematics, Robotics, Mechatronics, Business and Engineering, Logistics etc.

  7. hey can you pls tell me about public studienkolleg that provide english taught programs and what will be their requirements and also deadlines

    1. Hello Areej,
      There are no public funded Studienkollegs offering English-Taught Foundation programs in Germany. The English taught preparatory programs are offered at privately run preparatory schools or Studienkollegs and that programs are specifically for an individual university and courses!

      For example; there is an English-Taught T Course offered at a private preparatory school which is recognised by a public university for pursuing 4-5 Engineering programs such as in Applied Mathematics, Robotics, Mechatronics, Business and Engineering, Logistics etc.

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