Ausbildung Electronics Technician in Germany

If electronics interests you, you can take an apprenticeship program (Ausbildung) as an electronics technician! 

Did you know that when people discovered radar in 1904, they did not understand its use? Only during the Second World War did radar technology make a significant advancement. 

Electronics Technician Training under Ausbildung in Germany 

The Ausbildung training for electronics technicians is set up as a single profession.

You select an application area for which the Ausbildung training to become an electronics specialist is tailored from the outset.

There are many training programmes for electronics technicians, some in the manual or industrial sectors.

These Ausbildung training programmes are all three and a half years long.

All training courses have a typical first year and begin in the second year. You start specialising in the area of application that you have chosen during the Ausbildung training.

Similar education is required to work as an electronics technician for building and infrastructure systems, and industry standards organise it.

As an electronics technician, you will primarily work with the building management to monitor and fix supply and security systems. 

Did you know that the first time a mobile radar device was utilised to regulate speed was on February 15, 1959?

Ausbildung Vocational Training in Germany.-KCR CONSULTANTSRequirements for an Electronics Technician under Ausbildung in Germany 

  • You dislike working while seated.
  • You enjoy doing your work carefully and intently.
  • When working in a group, you like to take on specialised tasks.

Career Prospects for an Electronics Technician under Ausbildung in Germany 

  • Since the electronics technician industry has varied training programmes, many possibilities might help you develop your career.
  • To introduce you to industrial technology, the Central Association of Electrical Engineering and Electronics Industry continuously offers a variety of courses like quality management, assembly, and computer technology.
  • You can also take on trainees in the future and train them by receiving additional training as a trainer.
  • As a process manager, you will also take on production-related duties and perform and organise work processes.
  • If you pursue more training to become a technician, you advance one step further.
  • You can instantly assume management responsibilities by passing a master’s test. 

Please get in touch with KCR CONSULTANTS. They will assist you throughout the documentation process of the Ausbildung in Germany program. 

Use your skills and satisfy people with your expertise in electronics!

All industries, sectors and businesses offer Ausbildung in Germany.You may choose the most suitable occupation from the All Occupation List.

Ausbildung in Germany - KCR CONSULTANTS

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