Ausbildung Specialist for Port Skipper in Germany

You belong to the sea!

Go for an apprenticeship program (Ausbildung) as a specialist for port skippers!

Port Skipper training under Ausbildung in Germany

Your three-year dual Ausbildung training as a port skipper will adequately equip you for your future career.

You will alternate between receiving instruction at the vocational school and being given practice in your training firm.

The practical portion can be finished working in port operations on different kinds of ships.

You can experience every part of the ship first-hand and work in the driver’s cabin, the cargo hold, the engine room, or directly with passengers in the passenger sections.

You are in charge of unloading cargo when ships with cargo on board arrive at the port.

You must use the supporting documentation to verify that everything is in order.

You won’t be able to lift the bulky containers by yourself, regardless of how frequently you work out during the week. 

Ausbildung Vocational Training in Germany.-KCR CONSULTANTSRequirements for a port skipper under Ausbildung in Germany

  • You must work nights or weekends frequently because transport occurs around the clock.
  • You must always stay alert because, as a port skipper, you are well-equipped to handle situations that damage a ship, such as that caused by a collision, leak, or stranding.
  • You should use a fire extinguisher, treat wounds with first aid, and perform all other required rescue techniques.
  • It can get hot and messy, particularly when handling oil, so getting your hands dirty shouldn’t be an issue.

Ausbildung in Germany Occupations and IndustriesCareer prospects for a port skipper under Ausbildung in Germany

  • You spend three years on dual Ausbildung training. You operate watercraft for the transportation of people and goods.
  • You can become a technical business administrator where you will start working in middle and high management positions for businesses in the trade and industrial sectors.
  • You oversee and manage incoming and outgoing items in your capacity as a foreperson (certified master of logistics).
  • After nautical studies, you can work in logistics, ship management, or operations.
  • If you hold a “Captain” certificate of competency, you may pursue independent study to become a sea or harbour pilot.

Speak with KCR CONSULTANTS now! Counsellors will explain the apprenticeship program in Germany.

Become a massive ship captain and take control of the stormy seas with your skills!

All industries, sectors and businesses offer Ausbildung in Germany.You may choose the most suitable occupation from the All Occupation List.

Ausbildung in Germany - KCR CONSULTANTS

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