Ausbildung Orthopaedic Technology Mechanic in Germany

Are you an influencer who helps people make their lives much easier?

You must take an apprenticeship (Ausbildung) program as an orthopaedic technology mechanic! 

Did you know that each sports prosthesis is specifically created to match the needs of the user? Most running prosthetics don’t even have a “genuine” foot. 

Orthopaedic technology mechanic training under Ausbildung in Germany

You learn about a wide range of orthopaedic technological aids during your three-year apprenticeship (Ausbildung), all of which you will make manually and with machines’ assistance.

It comprises bandages and artificial limbs, such as prostheses, in addition to orthoses.

As a future orthopaedic technology mechanic, you will receive dual Ausbildung training, which means you attend a vocational school and work in a business.

You must know the basics of orthotics, producing special bandages, and explaining electronically controlled aids. 

Ausbildung Vocational Training in Germany.-KCR CONSULTANTS

Did you know that athletes with impairments can also compete in the Olympics? They go by the name of the Paralympics. 

You learn to use CAD systems as part of your Ausbildung training to become an orthopaedic mechanic.

You perform cutting-edge computer-aided measurement techniques and visualise your finished prostheses on the screen in 3D format.

You learn electronic, pneumatic, and hydraulic components.

When aid is finished, you can personally apply it to the patient and show how to utilise it.

Requirements for an orthopaedic technology mechanic under Ausbildung in Germany

  • You release tension through manual labour.
  • This job requires social responsibility and involvement in an important sector of the orthopaedics and rehabilitation technology industries.
  • You must have manual dexterity.
  • You need to have a passion for mathematics and enjoy working with patients for the training to be successful. 

Ausbildung in Germany Occupations and IndustriesCareer prospects for an orthopaedic technology mechanic under Ausbildung in Germany

  • Apply for one of the open training places for a career in one of the brightest areas of healthcare.
  • Using your knowledge of orthopaedic technology, you can choose careers in the orthopaedic shoemaker industry, trauma surgery in a clinic, rehabilitation, or a medical supply store.

KCR CONSULTANTS will clarify the apprenticeship program in Germany.

Give life to those helpless people through your orthopaedic skills!

All industries, sectors and businesses offer Ausbildung in Germany.You may choose the most suitable occupation from the All Occupation List.

Ausbildung in Germany - KCR CONSULTANTS

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