The Academy of Fine Arts Nuremberg, also known as Akademie der Bildenden Künste Nürnberg (AdBK Nürnberg), is an art school located in Nuremberg, Germany.

It has been around since 1662, which makes it one of Germany’s oldest art institutions. The school has many programs and courses in different kinds of art, such as painting, sculpture, graphic arts, design and multimedia.

The Academy has produced numerous renowned artists and has played a significant role in shaping the cultural and artistic landscape of the region.

The institution continues to be a hub for aspiring artists and creative individuals seeking professional training and education in the visual arts.


  • Within the broad range of liberal arts studies, AdBK Nürnberg tries to make room for a wide range of forms and expressions of modern art practice while putting them in the right social and historical-critical context.
  • No matter if a student is studying fine art, applied art, or art education, the courses have more in common than differences and the academy lets them build their own artistic style and character.
  • It provides a creative space that is accessible, nurtured and shaped. As a result, the Academy wanted students to be creative and have freedom.


The AdBK Nürnberg points out that if people still think of art as a basic social force, they must continue to resound, reconsider and unlock its potential through critical reflection and creative practice. In this way, an academy of art must always think about how it fits into society and what it is supposed to do based on the current situation.

Permanent re-vision always raises the question of how the “academy” or “today’s academy” sees itself and how we all want to form study and life in the academy.

As a safe space for the (im)possible, The Academy’s main goal at the Academy of Fine Arts in Nuremberg is to ask these kinds of questions in many different ways, talk about them and find answers.


Diploma Program
  • Fine Arts
  • Fine Art with the focus of Free Art
  • Fine Art with the focus of Graphic Design
  • Fine Art with the focus of communication design
  • Fine Art with the focus of Jewellery and Equipment
Postgraduate Program
  • Live Art Forms
  • General Design Principles
Art Related Sciences
  • Art History
  • Art Theory / Mediation
Design Related Sciences
  • Design Theory

Artistic Classes

  • Artistic Forms of the Digital
  • Free Art and Art Education
  • Fine Art
  • Sculpture
  • Free Art with the Focus on Painting
  • Fine Art with the focus of Jewellery and Equipment
  • Free Painting
  • Graphic Design
  • Visual Communication
  • Photography



Students can work on their art projects on campus, whether they are drawing, sculpting or other creative disciplines.

Modern tools and materials are in these studios, so students have everything they need to make their artistic ideas a reality.


The Academy of Fine Arts Nuremberg conducts specialized workshops with tools and equipment to facilitate various artistic techniques, such as stone carving, pottery and carpentry. It also conducts workshops for casting, printmaking, photography, etc.

Some of the workshops are,

  • Digital Workspace
  • Lithography and silk screen printing
  • Wood sculpture
  • MIRACL – Music Interaction Research and Audio Creation Lab
  • Stone Sculpture

Academy of Fine Arts Nuremberg - workshop


The libraries at the campus have a lot of art-related books, magazines and digital tools to help with research and study.

There are more than 28,000 books and more than 800 film works in the library.

Some of the Services available in the library are,

  • Students are allowed to borrow items.
  • library offers a range of journal subscriptions
  • The library has card catalog
  • The library also has Database information system (DBIS) that lists scientific databases.
  • It has Internet Archives
  • It also has DOAB
Exhibition Hall

The campus has Exhibition halls where Students are given the opportunity to present their work to the public.

These galleries and exhibition spaces provide valuable opportunities for students to receive feedback and gain exposure for their work.

Here the pursuit of a self-image is observed in the delicate balance between public representation and artistic freedom, as well as the interplay between institutional structures and experimental approaches.

Student Accommodation

The Academy has Accommodation facilities in the city, which are at a reasonable price.

Both national and international students are warmly welcomed in this city, where affordable accommodation options are available.

Model Making Rooms

Architecture students have access to rooms for creating physical models of their design concepts.


The AdBK Nürnberg has a Vitrine, which is filled with glass display cases for art exhibitions, installations and performances.

The exhibition showcases a collection of emerging and innovative artistic works, including many mediums such as painting, cinema and performance, accompanied by a compelling supplementary program.

Through this, Students are given the opportunity to present their work to the public.

Social Spaces

The campus provides places for students to relax, socialize & interact with fellow artists, fostering a sense of community.

Open to Public

Some events, exhibitions and lectures organized by the academy are open to the public, offering a chance for visitors to engage with the art community.

Academy of Fine Arts Nuremberg - Studentenwerk


Studentenwerk offers comprehensive assistance to students.

Services encompass student financing, including scholarships and financial aid.

Provides access to meals through canteens and cafeterias.

Offers accommodation options in hostels for students.

Support the Studentenwerk’s work Beyond Academics

  • Facilities include a daycare center catering to students with children.
  • Extends support through social, legal and psychotherapeutic counseling.


Erasmus+ Program

This Program offers international students the opportunity to study abroad and experience academic and cultural exchange.

Through this program, students can enhance their skills, broaden their perspectives and build lasting connections.

The program also provides financial aid.

The program offers European students a scholarship to support their studies at a European partner university.

  • Incoming students support – Assists students in the university
  • Outgoing students support – Assists students in organizing their stay abroad
  • Erasmus buddies – There are Erasmus buddies who will guide international students in attending classes and events.
International Partnerships

The academy had established partnerships with other art schools and universities globally.

These partnerships facilitated collaborative projects, faculty exchanges and joint research initiatives, enriching the academic environment.

BIPs (Blended Intensive Programs)

As part of a jointly offered course, the Academy lets Students study or train abroad for short periods of time.

BIP provides the following Guidance,

  • BIPs do preparation for the students
  • It do the monitoring and follow-up the Students
  • It arrange group mobility for the students

International Projects and Exhibitions

The Academy of Fine Arts Nuremberg has conducted and participated in international art projects, exhibitions and events, promoting cross-cultural artistic collaborations and networking opportunities for students and faculty.

One of the project is Interactive Media / Dynamic Acoustic Research (DAF) which explores sound as an unstable art form that mixes with other fields but makes strong claims for the independence of each field.

In other words the development of critical awareness is focused on the performance, production and distribution of sound as a domain for artistic research in this project.

Student Accommodation

The Academy has Accommodation facilities in the city, which are at a reasonable price.

Both national and international students are warmly welcomed in this city, where affordable accommodation options are available.

Student Support

The support staff is responsible for managing the foreign activities of the Academy and providing guidance to students about the organization and execution of their study abroad or internship experiences.

Services which the support team doing are,

  • Announcement of international projects
  • organization of guest lectureships
  • Arranging Mobilities
  • Advice for students
Scholarships and Funding Opportunities

The university provides several sorts of financial aid, including scholarships, grants and other forms of support, which significantly contribute to the academic environment for students.

Some of the Scholarship offers are,

  • German National Academic Foundation – The organization awards scholarships to young people with a high level of artistic talent
  • Oskar-Karl-Forster-Stiftung – The program provides students with a one-time grant, which can be utilized for the acquisition of books, supplementary educational resources and expenses related to printing and publishing dissertations.

Some of the funding programs are,

  • DAAD – The organization in question is recognized as the largest financial entity worldwide that facilitates the exchange of students and scholars on an international scale.
  • PROMOS – The program facilitates educational trips, internships and language courses.
  • STIBET – The program is a comprehensive initiative that combines both financial scholarship and various forms of support. Additionally, it offers professional and social assistance to international students.


  • The Academy of Fine Arts Nuremberg, also known as Akademie der Bildenden Künste Nürnberg (AdBK Nürnberg), is an art school located in Nuremberg, Germany.
  • AdBK Nürnberg is one of Germany’s oldest art institutions.
  • It provides a creative space that is accessible, nurtured and shaped. As a result, the Academy wanted students to be creative and have freedom.
  • Modern tools and materials are in these studios, so students have everything they need to make their artistic ideas a reality.
  • There are more than 28,000 books and more than 800 film works in the library of the Academy of Fine Arts Nuremberg.
  • Both National and International students have Student Accommodation facilities.
  • The academy had established partnerships with other art schools and universities globally.
  • The campus provides places for students to relax, socialize and interact with fellow artists, fostering a sense of community.

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